Restore your hair’s natural (pre-gray) color with HAIRPRINT

2015-08-19 22.47.51Are hair dyes safe??

If you are one of the 50+% of the population that dyes your hair, you may have wondered from time to time just how safe it is.

Unfortunately, there are an increasing number of studies linking semi-permanent and permanent hair dyes to an increased risk of cancer and neurological problems.

“Both human and animal studies show that the body rapidly absorbs the carcinogens and other chemicals in permanent and semi-permanent dyes through the skin during the more then 30 minutes that dyes remain on the scalp. So if you use permanent, semi-permanent, shampoo-in or temporary hair colours you are increasing your risk of developing cancer.”  ~ NYR Natural News

How are hair dyes regulated??

“In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the safety of cosmetics, including hair dyes, but there are limits on what the FDA can do. The FDA does not approve each ingredient used in hair dyes before it goes on the market, and in general the responsibility for the safety of products and ingredients falls to the manufacturers.”  ~ American Cancer Society

Our skin is our largest organ and is highly absorbant.  In fact, that’s why patch technology is so effective.  Whatever we put on our skin is absorbed through our skin, completely bypasses the digestive system and goes directly into our bloodstream. For that reason alone, we need to be extremely selective about what personal care products we choose to put on our skin and body!


A 100% non-toxic solution for graying hair!






HAIRPRINT was developed by a green chemist, Dr John Warner, co-founder of the Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry and known as the “Father of Green Chemistry”.  It consists of 9 food-grade ingredients and is 100% non-toxic and safe!

HAIRPRINT is completely unique in that it does not artificially color the hair shaft.  What Dr Warner discovered is a way to “restore” the colored molecules that naturally occur in pre-gray hair.  So instead of choosing a specific color that you want your hair to be, HAIRPRINT restores your hair to YOUR natural color!

HAIRPRINT is currently available for people with naturally light brown to black hair (not blonde or red).

I recently purchase some here and used it on my hair!  The results were amazing!  Soooo cool!!! 🙂

(To see my results, go to and look for the “HAIRPRINT” video!)

To Your Health!

Lisa Maghrak

Lisa Maghrak - Energy Healing Mastery Course Grad

P.S.  This TOXIC TIMEBOMB VIDEO reveals 5 of the most common, everyday toxic products that could be making you and your family sick plus where to find safe replacements.

Make sure to share the love by commenting and sharing this with those you think would be interested!  Thanks :)

Magnesium – The Miracle Mineral

One of the most common nutritional deficiencies today among men, women and children is Magnesium Deficiency. Magnesium is an ‘essential’ mineral which means our bodies cannot manufacture it so we need to get it from our food or from supplementation.  Magnesium is needed by every organ, plays a role in over 700-800 biochemical reactions in the body and is extremely important to cellular function.  Magnesium is considered the “calming” mineral and is required for regulating smooth muscle function as well as for energy production.

According to The Westin A Price Foundation, “Every single cell in the human body demands adequate magnesium to function, or it will perish.” and “Magnesium is so important to so many vital body functions, and its deficiency is integrally involved in so many diseases, that more than one researcher has dubbed magnesium a miracle in its ability to resolve or improve numerous disorders.”

Here are 9 common signs that you may have a Magnesium Deficiency:

  1. Muscle Aches/Pains/Cramps/Spasms/Twitches
  2. Fatigue/Muscle Weakness
  3. Tension Headaches/Migraines
  4. Anxiety/Depression/Stress
  5. Elevated Blood Pressure
  6. Diabetes/Blood Sugar Issues
  7. Osteoporosis/Osteopenia
  8. Insomnia
  9. Constipation

Why are we so deficient in this precious mineral?

Here are 3 of the most common causes:

  1. Stress – Stress requires a tremendous amount of Magnesium so it is important to make a daily practice of stress reducing activities like meditation, prayer, yoga and laughter.
  2. Diuretics – The most commonly consumed diuretics include caffeine, alcohol and blood pressure meds.
  3. SAD – The Standard American Diet is robbing our population of precious Magnesium.  Our plants are minerally depleted and just about everything is laden with sugar.  Since it takes roughly 50 molecules of Magnesium to metabolize just 1 molecule of sugar, if you are eating white bread, white rice, white sugar and/or packaged foods or beverages, you are almost guaranteed to have a Magnesium deficiency.

In addition to stress management and reducing the amount of sugar and processed foods in your diet, you can also do the following:

  1. Increase the amounts of Magnesium rich foods you eat.  These include raw fruits and vegetables (particularly dark leafy greens), avacados, raw nuts and seeds like pumpkin, brazil, cashews and almonds, brown rice, beans, and dark chocolate/cacao.
  2. Take a hot Epson Salt Bath several nights a week.  This will also help you relax and sleep like a baby. 🙂
  3. Indulge yourself in a daily dose of Mineral Oil Spray.  This is a topical form that can be applied and massaged into the skin.
  4. Take a high quality oral supplement.  The form with the highest absorption rate is Oligofructose followed by Chelated.  If constipation is an issue, make sure it also includes Magnesium Citrate.

Perhaps the most exciting and best news of all is that many of the health concerns you are struggling with could be totally turned around by addressing your body’s urgent need for Magnesium – The Miracle Mineral.

To Your Health!

Lisa Maghrak

Lisa Maghrak - Energy Healing Mastery Course Grad

Make sure to share the love by commenting and sharing this with those you think would be interested!  Thanks :)

P.S. Have you heard about Periscope?

Check out the video of this post and others on my Katch page!

3 Steps for Healing ECZEMA Naturally

3StepsforHealingEczemaNaturallyEczema plaques tens of millions of American adults and children and commonly starts before the age of 5.

Eczema (also called Atopic Dermatitis) can be described as an itchy, scaly, sometimes leathery rash.  These rashes are often red and inflamed and may include blisters that ooze and crust. It’s not uncommon for someone with eczema to itch these rashes until they bleed.  Eczema may also be accompanied by Asthma.

The most common places for eczema to appear is on the face, scalp and hands as well as on the insides of the elbows, knees and ankles.

My daughter developed eczema as an infant.  Her rashes would get so bad that they would bleed and she would cry from the pain.  It broke my heart and all I wanted to do was help her!

Unfortunately, the doctors we saw told us there was no cure and that our best option was to treat her eczema with some commonly used topical prescriptions.  We tried triple antibiotic ointments, cortisones and steroid creams.  Although they worked to some degree, we were informed that long term use was not a good idea because it can thin the skin (see steroid atrophy). This was scary to me and not acceptable!

Thankfully, when my daughter was 5, I was introduced to a wellness company and the concept of preventative health. Instead of treating her symptoms, our focus changed to what could be causing the eczema in the first place!  I learned that eczema is a result of an overly taxed immune system and that there were things we could do to lessen that load.

It totally worked and within 3 weeks her skin was completely healed.

So what did we do?

1)  The first thing we did was detoxify our home.  I boxed up all of our cleaning products, laundry and personal care products and put them in the garage.  I then replaced them with safer products that I was able to purchase at wholesale from our new online wellness store.  Anything that had toxic fumes or that came in contact with our skin was replaced.

2)  We switched our daughter to a higher quality kid’s vitamin and started giving her grape seed extract every day.

3)  We applied a healing lotion with tea tree oil to her skin twice a day.

That’s it.

We visibly watched her skin heal and within 3 weeks her eczema was gone!  🙂

That was many years ago and it has never come back.

Today, there are other things I would recommend in addition to the 3 steps listed above to strengthen your immune system even more.

These would include:

If you or one of your children are suffering with the pain and irritation of eczema, I hope hearing our story will help you!  Feel free to contact me if you have any specific questions.

To Your Health!

Lisa Maghrak

Lisa Maghrak - Energy Healing Mastery Course Grad

P.S.  This TOXIC TIMEBOMB VIDEO reveals 5 of the most common, everyday toxic products that could be making you and your family sick plus where to find safe replacements.

Make sure to share the love by commenting and sharing this with those you think would be interested!  Thanks :)


The Benefits of Fermented Foods

The Benefits of Fermented FoodsFermentation is a lost art. It’s how our ancestor’s preserved and prepared their food and how they thrived.  However, as time has passed and technology has taken over, the quality of our food supply has declined.

We’ve gone from no refrigeration, stoves or microwaves to ready-made, prepackaged foods. Foods that are “convenient” but void of valuable nutrition.

There’s never been a time in the history of mankind that what we choose to eat has been of more importance.

ENTER: Fermented foods.

Today I’m going to talk about the amazing healing power of fermented foods as well as share one of my favorite “DIY” recipes.

Like I mentioned earlier, fermented foods and beverages have been around since the dawn of time but we’ve never needed them more than we do today. They’re rich in vitamins, enzymes and probiotics and have the power to literally turn your health around. They help detoxify your body, improve your digestion, beautify your skin, promote healthy gut flora, control cravings (particularly for sugar and processed foods), increase longevity and when made at home, are super inexpensive!

Fermented foods have a sour or tart taste so it may take some time to adjust to them given our overly sweet and sugary diets today. However, after only a few consecutive days of eating them, something amazing starts to happen! Your prehistoric taste buds begin to reactivate and you may even start to crave them! Your sweet tooth starts to diminish and you start to notice that you are feeling different….better.

Fermented foods and beverages and available at most health stores and, although they are worth every penny, can be a bit pricey. That’s why I decided to make my own. I discovered it’s not difficult at all and I really enjoy the process. Since a batch of veggies can make several jars, it’s fun to share them with friends and family!

I encourage you to give them a try! If you just want to test the waters, a good place to start is with Bubbie’s Sauerkraut. This brand/product is the mildest I’ve found. Otherwise, if you are feeling adventurous, I’m including my basic fermented veggie recipe. I’ve experimented with lots of different ingredients and spices but I’ve found that I like the simpler (more plain) versions much better.

It’s much easier to start with plain and then jazz them up depending on your mood at the time!  In the future, I’ll share how to make healing fermented beverages like kefir, coconut kefir water and kombucha!

Easy Fermented Veggies

Rating: 51

Yield: Makes aprox 2 quarts (depending on size of veggies you use)

Easy Fermented Veggies


  1. 1 Med Head of Cabbage
  2. 1-2 Carrots
  3. 1-2 Kale Leaves
  4. 1 Package Culture Starter
  5. 1 Small Apple
  6. 1 Teaspoon Sea Salt (Optional - for crisper veggies)


  1. Core apple and toss in blender with 2 cups of filtered water. Blend well.
  2. Stir in Culture Starter and let mixture rest for 15 minutes. This will allow the starter time to "wake up".
  3. Shred or chop all veggies and combine in a large bowl.
  4. Add starter mixture (and optional salt) to veggies and mix well with spoon or clean hands.
  5. Cover with filtered water.
  6. Spoon into canning jars (ie: Ball) and pack veggies down.
  7. Make sure veggies are completely covered with liquid and leave at least 2 inches of space at the top for veggies to expand.
  8. Cover jars and leave on kitchen counter out of direct sunlight for 5-7 days.
  9. Check jars every day to make sure veggies are still submerged under the liquid. If not, open jar and push down with spoon or clean fingers and reseal jar.
  10. Begin checking the taste of the veggies daily around day 3 or 4. The warmer your kitchen is, the faster they will ferment.
  11. Transfer veggies to fridge when they taste tart or slightly sour. The longer they sit the more sour they will get.
  12. Enjoy plain or mixed in salad or even on pizza!


I love to mix mine with plain bulgarian yogurt and a couple drops of stevia! It's tastes like cole slaw and is super healthy!! 🙂

Start with just a fork full a day and work up to 1/4 - 1/2 c with each meal.

These are extremely healing and detoxifying. If you have detox like symptoms, start slower and build up.

Tip: If you happen to have a bit too much sugar on occasion, eat these veggies and they will help to eat up the extra sugar in your stomach!

Make sure to share the love by re-posting and sharing this with those you think would be interested! Thanks :)

To Your Health!

Lisa Maghrak

Lisa Maghrak - Energy Healing Mastery Course Grad

P.S.  Check out my free video: 9 Secret Tips for Boosting Your Metabolism, Reducing Body Fat and Increasing Your Energy Levels 100% Naturally!

What are Endocrine Disruptors?

What are Endocrine Disruptors-These common chemicals are found in many of our everyday products.  Some of the most common places?  Your family’s personal care products like body washes, lotions, cosmetics and fragrances as well as many of the plastics you eat or drink from or the containers/cans your foods come in.

Endocrine disrupting chemicals like Bisphenol A (BPA) and Phthalates get into our bodies via ingestion or absorption and are stored in our fatty tissues.  These chemicals damage our gut health, tax our livers and are suspected of contributing to the increase in Non Fatty Liver Disease. They mess with our thyroid and other hormones which can lead to fertility issues, mood swings and fatigue as well as weight gain (and that’s just the beginning).

If you consider that the average woman puts about 515 synthetic chemicals on her body every day (and men aren’t far behind)…it’s not hard to see that we have a big problem!

The biggest thing we have going for us is our power of choice!  We get to choose what we spend our money on and what we allow into our homes and around our kids.  We can say NO to endocrine disruptors and other toxic chemicals.

There are some really good companies out there that are committed to producing only the highest quality and safest products. Products that are not only safer but also work great – often better!  (Hint: they aren’t the most popular, national brands that most people are buying)  And believe it or not…there’s even some that cost less than the chemical alternatives.

When we switched brands several years ago,  my chronic migraines stopped and our daughter’s bleeding eczema cleared up completely within a few weeks.

Most of us, by default, continue to use the same products that our moms and dads used.  These may not be the best choices.  It’s important to take a look at what you’re buying and consider the huge impact a change could make.

To Your Health!

Lisa Maghrak

Lisa Maghrak - Energy Healing Mastery Course Grad

 Visit Site

P.S.  This TOXIC TIMEBOMB VIDEO reveals 5 of the most common, everyday toxic products that could be making you and your family sick plus where to find safe replacements.

P.P.S.  If you’d like to reach your health and weight loss goals, check out my video recording that explains 9 Secret Tips for Boosting Your Metabolism, Reducing Body Fat and Increasing Your Energy Levels 100% Naturally (one of which is detoxing your home and body!)

Make sure to share the love by commenting and sharing this with those you think would be interested!  Thanks :)


Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions








Are any of these on YOUR list?

1. Lose Weight
2. Getting Organized
3. Spend Less, Save More
4. Enjoy Life to the Fullest
5. Staying Fit and Healthy
6. Learn Something Exciting
7. Quit Smoking
8. Help Others in Their Dreams
9. Fall in Love
10. Spend More Time with Family

(According to Scranton University)

To Your Health!

Lisa Maghrak

Lisa Maghrak - Energy Healing Mastery Course Grad

P.S.  If you’d like help reaching your goals, check out my video recording that explains 9 Secret Tips for Boosting Your Metabolism, Reducing Body Fat and Increasing Your Energy Levels 100% Naturally!

Make sure to share the love by commenting and sharing this with those you think would be interested!  Thanks :)



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