You may have seen this recent article By Melanie Haiken, If not, it’s worth the read!

Few things feel more terrifying and random than a stroke, which can strike without warning. And fear of stroke — when a blood vessel in or leading to the brain bursts or is blocked by a blood clot, starving brain cells of oxygen and nutrients — is well founded. After all, stroke is the number-three killer in the U.S., affecting more than 700,000 people each year. Here are five foods that cause the damage that leads to stroke.

1.  Crackers, chips, and store-bought pastries and baked goods
2.  Smoked and processed meats
3.  Diet soda
4.  Red meat
5.  Canned soup and prepared foods

To read the entire article and/or get more details on each food, click here.

***side note from “Another reason to try and eat more “real” food and less processed, “man-made” food….Also, although commercial red meat is unhealthy for many reasons, there’s a lot of research and documentation on the benefits of “grass-fed” meat.”***

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