There’s no doubt about it…Omega-3 Fatty Acids are good for you!  Omega-3’s are especially known for improving heart health.  From naturally lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, reducing the risk of clotting in the arteries and reducing inflammation, quality Omega-3’s are where it’s at!   But they go way beyond just heart health!  Omega-3’s may reduce the risk of other chronic diseases such as cancer and arthritis.  They are also great at easing stiff joints and improving brain health such as improving memory, focus and recall as well as easing depression. 

Omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids meaning they are necessary for our health but our bodies can’ t make them — so we have to get them from the food we eat.  Unfortunately, the average american gets less than half of what’s recommended for optimum health benefits.

So, Here Are 6 Easy Ways to Eat More Omega-3 Fats:

1. Nuts and Seeds
2. Beans
3. Fish
4. Oils
5. Fruit and Vegetables
6. Other such as Omega-3 eggs and flaxseed

There are also some very high quality Omega-3 supplements on the market today.

For more details on the above foods, visit this link.


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