I love reading things to help keep my brain engaged & focused! Here are some recommendations from Dr Oz on keeping your brain sharp! Eat more veggies – yum Play mind games – love crosswords Sign up for dance lessons – does Zumba count? Wear a...
Good Friends Are the Secret to Long Life We all know that exercise, diet, and stress are factors in the longevity equation. But pals? Researchers at Brigham Young University analyzed the results of 148 studies (involving more than 300,000 participants) and found that...
Do you often feel anxious without cause or feel a loss of mood? Yoga practice can be a good choice to overcome them. Ateam of researchers at Boston University School of Medicine found that so far nothing can beat yoga for this matter. The results showed a strong...
This is a great article from O, The Oprah Magazine | October 20, 2010! My family and I have personally been taking 5000 IU of Vitamin D-3 daily ever since the first time I read an article in the Reader’s Digest about it’s importance in preventing disease...
The occasional manic Monday is a fact of modern life. But if you’re under chronic stress—suffering a daily assault of stress hormones from a demanding job or a personal life in turmoil—symptoms may be subtler, says Stevan E. Hobfoll, PhD, chair of the department of...
Don’t give this to your daughter – despite what your doctor says. ~ From Mercola.com It’s been four years since Gardasil debuted as a blockbuster vaccine with sales that rocketed to over $1.1 billion in its first nine months. Touted as a wonder...