If you like this post, Retweet and Share on Facebook Here =======>>> Is Sugar Toxic? Last Month, 60 Minutes released new research from some of America’s most respected institutions. The findings state that the amounts and kinds of sugar being consumed...
If you like this post, Retweet and Share on Facebook Here =======>>> Spinach Smoothies – are you kidding?? My dad and I were on a long overdue trip to Costco yesterday to pick some of our favorite bulk products. I was specifically going for those little...
If you like this post, Retweet and Share on Facebook Here =======>>> Healing Foods and What They Replace Most people agree that how you eat can definitely affect how you feel. Food can be your friend or food can be your foe. When you eat a healthy variety of...
If you like this post, Retweet and Share on Facebook Here =======>>> Can You Prevent Alzheimer’s?? Recent study shows brain shrinkage is key in predicting Alzheimer’s. Does the size of your brain matter? Apparently, it does! Our brains are crucial...
I am constantly amazed at the resistance I receive when I tell people who are trying to lose weight that they would actually be better off if they drank real pop instead of diet pop. I know it doesn’t appeal to common sense but here’s the reason~ When...
So much of the food we eat today contributes to our overall health! That includes our mental health and not only how we feel about our life but how much energy we have…or don’t have! Check out this article from Eat This, Not That and start eating the...