You may have seen this recent article By Melanie Haiken, If not, it’s worth the read! Few things feel more terrifying and random than a stroke, which can strike without warning. And fear of stroke — when a blood vessel in or leading to the...
Do you ever find yourself frustrated because you try and try but the scale just won’t budge? Well, here are 5 simple weight loss tips to break that plateau once and for all! Cut out all artificial sweeteners immediately! ...
Which is better for your heart? To lower your LDL cholesterol with a statin drug, or to skip the statin, eat healthy and exercise…even if it doesn’t lower your cholesterol? “Seventy-five percent of people who have heart attacks have healthy...
According to Eat This, Not That, some of America’s favorite restaurants are serving some of the worst foods when it comes to our health and our waistlines! If you are trying to eat healthy and/or lose weight, you will definitely want to avoid these foods...
I’ve lifted weights on and off for years! Yes, I’ve seen results but nothing like I’d hoped for. After reading this article in Men’s Journal, I realize I’ve been doing it all wrong! In addition to a ton of very detailed information how...
“When you treat the symptoms of a disease, you don’t get to the root cause of the problem. Sometimes the solution to a problem is so simple that we can’t believe it. We therefore overlook it.” Exerpt from: Could There Be a Cure for Heart...