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Are You a Toxic Beauty?

Toxic Beauty News With Diane Sawyer

What’s the first thing you do each day?

You get up, maybe put on a pot of coffee or make the kids breakfast and then head into the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day, right?

Well, would you be surprised to find out that your daily routine may actually consist of putting dangerous concoctions of personal care and untested beauty products on your skin?

I just watched a video recap from ABC World News with Diane Sawyer (4/30/2012) that explained:

“The average woman uses, on average, 12 beauty and personal care products a day; thus exposing herself to over 120 chemicals (the ave man uses 6/day with 80 chemicals), most of which have never been tested for safety on humans…

Europe has banned 1200 of the common chemicals found in personal care products. The US? Only 10 of these chemicals have been banned…

Congress is pushing for a bill which would regulate cosmetics by requiring labeling of all ingredients and prohibiting chemicals linked to cancer or reproductive problems…

Cosmetic companies have already spent over $3½ MILLION lobbying against the bill…”

There are safe products out there so there’s no need for us to be using dangerous untested chemicals in our beauty products

Be an advocate for you and your family by choosing to shop from companies committed to manufacturing safer products without any harsh chemical ingredients.  Your health may depend on it.

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To Your Health,

Lisa Maghrak

PS Contact me for my favorite store and to learn how you can get exceptional products for your family without having to know how to read labels and without spending a fortune!!


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