New Report Sounds the Alarm: Chemicals Cause Cancer
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By Gabe Pressman Updated 6:58 PM EST, Thu, May 6, 2010
Environmental carcinogens cause a great many more cancers than previously believed.
In America’s long war on cancer, there’s been an internal struggle between advocates of diagnosis and treatment — and those who believe the key to victory lies in prevention.
Today, the prevention advocates won a significant battle.
The President’s Cancer Panel issued a report declaring that environmental carcinogens cause a great many more cancers than previously believed.
President Nixon declared war on cancer in 1971 and, while some progress has been made in eradicating some cancers, the mortality rate from cancers remains alarmingly high. New York Times writer Nicholas Kristof says the President’s panel is the “Mt. Everest of the medical mainstream” and that’s why it’s “astonishing to learn that it is poised to join ranks with the organic food movement and declare: chemicals threaten our bodies.”
The panel says that the “the true burden of environmentally induced cancer has been grossly underestimated. With nearly 80,000 chemicals on the market in the United States — many of which are used by millions of Americans in their daily lives and are un-studied or under-studied and largely unregulated — exposure to potential environmental carcinogens is widespread.”
The 200-page report calls for much tougher regulation of chemicals.
“This report,” said Congressman Eliot Engel of the Bronx, a member of the House subcommittee on health, “is a bombshell. It says that our environment, our lives are saturated with chemicals that may be deadly. We have seen levels of cancer go sky high. Common sense should tell us it’s not a matter of chance.”
Engel predicts that industries that rely on chemicals will come down hard on this report. “In my 22 years in Congress, I have heard industry cry out against progress again and again. Remember how they insisted that tobacco didn’t cause cancer. These guys always tell you the sky is falling and it doesn’t happen..”
Engel says that, in an era of intense, partisan division in Washington, “this report can change our whole outlook. It sounds the alarm. And, since cancer affects us all, Democrats and Republicans, and our families, this issue gives us an opportunity for a real, bi-partisan approach to the prevention of cancer.”
The chairman of the Health subcommittee, Frank Pallone of Long Branch, New Jersey, agrees that there needs to be more emphasis on what are the root causes of cancer. He told me the panel’s report was “very constructive and helpful.”
For decades, Dr. Samuel Epstein, at the University of Illinois, has been sounding the alarm about cancer-causing chemicals in the environment. He pointed out to me that cancers, other than those caused by smoking, have escalated sharply from 1971 to 2005. He faults the National Cancer Institute for failing to develop any listing of avoidable exposure to a wide range of carcinogens. He’s hopeful that this presidential panel’s work may bring some changes in policy.
The presidential panel says that “infants, children and adolescents are especially vulnerable to environmental contaminants.”
It seems to me that statement alone is frightening. It sounds an alarm. And our representatives in Washington, New York and Albany will ignore it at our peril.
President Obama, the legislators and the leaders of organized medicine need to focus their attention on prevention in the long and, so far, losing war on cancer.
It would be almost criminal to ignore the warning from this panel of distinguished doctors. The medical profession and our government must move decisively to set the goal that has eluded us since Nixon declared war on cancer nearly 40 years ago. And history dictates that a new approach is needed.
We must make prevention our highest priority in the war on cancer.
By Gabe Pressman Updated 6:58 PM EST, Thu, May 6, 2010 Updated 6:58 PM EST, Thu, May 6, 2010
To learn what some of the most toxic products in your home are and where you can find a company committed to using only the safest, non-toxic ingredients in their products, watch this short video by clicking below:
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or ask them below.
To Your Family’s Health!
Lisa Maghrak
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Yoga for Anxiety?
Do you often feel anxious without cause or feel a loss of mood? Yoga practice can be a good choice to overcome them. Ateam of researchers at Boston University School of Medicine found that so far nothing can beat yoga for this matter.
The results showed a strong relationship between the practice of yoga with decreased anxiety and increased brain gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) or the natural brain tranquilizer compound, according to Times Of India.
According to this finding by researchers which was published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, low levels of GABA are associated with problems of depression, mood disorders, and anxiety.
Researchers studied two groups of volunteers randomly during 12 weeks. One group practiced yoga three times a week for an hour on a regular basis, while the other group did not do it with discipline. But, before practice, their brains were scanned using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) imaging, first.
At week 12, the researchers compared the GABA levels in both groups. Results showed the group which practiced yoga routine experience a significantly decreased anxiety level and could develop a comfortable mood.
“Over time, positive changes in this report was associated with an increased GABA level,” said Chris Streeter, professor of psychiatry and neurology at Boston University School of Medicine who led the research.
Streeter then recommended the practice of yoga as a good therapy to treat mental disorders.
Are High Glycemic Index Foods Making You Fat?
Why should you take care of the GI levels of the food you eat?
One of the main problems of over-secretion of insulin is that it triggers the storage of extra fat.
Extra insulin = Extra fat.
High GI foods can essentially cause a sugar rush, followed by a low when the body’s energy suddenly falls.
Low carb foods cannot be measured for GI and are given an index of zero. They include meat, fish and high protein foods necessary for a balanced diet, however all fat should be consumed in moderation.
So how does using the Glycemic Index help?
A diet rich in high GI foods can be detrimental to health as it will push the body to extremes, especially if you are overweight or sedentary, and can increase the risk of insulin resistance leading to diabetes.
Low GI carbs are a slow release energy, thereby keeping your blood glucose levels stable and energy levels balanced. This means that you will feel fuller for longer between meals and be less inclined to snack on hollow foods.
For a list of Foods and their GI Value, visit Eat the Veggies!
Please say NO to fast food chicken!
Our team recently had a great training on becoming aware of the toxins in our homes and foods! I am sharing the following because there was a lot of feedback on it! If you haven’t watched the documentary FOOD, INC yet, I highly recommend it! I’m sorry in advance to all of you who like chicken nuggents….you probably won’t anymore!
Hi. Many had questions regarding chicken nuggets, meat, milk etc after the TOXIC CHEMICAL workshop on Monday. A great resource is to watch the movie Food, Inc.
This is a picture of what it will show on Chicken Nuggets (click to enlarge photo):
[cincopa AMOASVK31P9x]
Say hello to mechanically separated chicken. It’s what most fast-food chicken is made from. (Gross, I know!)
Also, the processed frozen chicken in the stores is made from it. Basically, the entire chicken is smashed and pressed through a sieve—bones, eyes, guts, and all it comes out looking like this. Yum Yum
There’s more: because it’s crawling with bacteria, it will be washed with ammonia, soaked in it, actually. Then, because it tastes gross, it will be re-flavored artificially. Then, because it is weirdly pink, it will be dyed with artificial color. But, hey, at least it tastes good, right? No wonder they fry it in grease.
Lets help our children make smarter choices!
Written by Michelle Simon, MA/LP, Offices of Simon & Guthrie
CoQ10: The Miracle Molecule
This is a must read if you are interested in disease prevention and possible reversal (cancer and heart disease specifically – ESPECIALLY if you are on a statin drug), nutritional healing, increased energy and improved workouts! Contact me to learn about the product I recommend for adding CoQ10 to your daily supplementation.
With an astonishing array of applications, CoQ10 offers something for virtually everyone — from fitness buffs to those at high risk for heart disease and cancer.
By Pamela Weintraub / December 2010 / Nutrients Department
Two weeks after delivering a baby by cesarean section, Joan Jackson was rushed to a hospital suffering from shortness of breath. The cause was postpartum cardiomyopathy, a form of heart failure. A cardiology team treated her with conventional therapies and sent her on her way. But two years later, the young mother came back, this time with the added symptoms of fatigue, swollen ankles and poor appetite — signs of heart failure, yet again.
Other doctors said her best hope now was a heart transplant, but cardiologist Stephen Sinatra, MD, saw another way. Thanks to groundbreaking research by molecular biologists Karl Folkers, PhD, of the University of Texas, and Gian Paolo Littarru, MD, of the University of Ancona Medical School in Italy, he knew that heart-failure patients consistently suffered a shortage of a molecule known as coenzyme Q10.
While Jackson awaited her heart transplant, Sinatra put her on 10 milligrams of the molecule coenzyme Q10 — or, as it’s more commonly referred to, CoQ10 — three times a day. When she experienced no negative side effects, he tripled the dose and added a multivitamin as well.
To be sure, Jackson’s health was rocky — she still occasionally experienced arrhythmia, shortness of breath, asthma and arthritis. But the regimen of CoQ10 eliminated the diagnosis of heart failure and the transplant was tabled for good.
Sinatra calls Jackson a poster child for the power of nutritional medicine, but he notes that she’s not an altogether unusual case.
“Almost every case of heart failure I have seen since [then] has improved to at least some degree with this approach,” says Sinatra, a clinical cardiologist at Manchester Memorial Hospital in Connecticut and author of The Sinatra Solution: Metabolic Cardiology (Basic Health, 2008). Today he ramps up the doses of CoQ10 and other vitamins and nutrients even higher, with better results.
CoQ10 has gained a lot of attention in recent years as a way to slow cardiovascular aging and treat heart disease. But there is a burgeoning body of research that suggests therapeutic roles for CoQ10 across a range of other illnesses: Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Friedreich’s ataxia and other neurodegenerative disorders, eye conditions, diabetes, and even cancer.
Read the rest of this great article at
Knowing your Vitamin D levels may save your life ~ from
Knowing Your Vitamin D Levels Might Save Your Life
For decades vitamin D’s claim to fame was its role as calcium’s trusty escort, helping our bones absorb the essential mineral. But a recent flood of research is revealing that D does much more: “There is a vitamin D receptor on every one of our cells,” says Michael F. Holick, PhD, MD, author of The Vitamin D Solution. “And those receptors are there for a reason.” Actually, many reasons—all of our bodily functions seem to rely on the nutrient, and studies show that it’s key to helping prevent everything from migraines to cancer.
The trouble is, most of us—53 percent of women, 41 percent of men, and 61 percent of kids—have insufficient levels. Though our bodies naturally produce the vitamin from the sun’s UV-B rays, these days we don’t absorb nearly enough sunlight to manufacture an adequate amount—and during winter, most of the country gets so little sun, doing so is impossible. But don’t sweat it: With a few easy moves, you can boost your D levels. We’ve gathered the latest info on the vitamin everyone’s suddenly talking about.
High levels are linked to…
Greater resistance to viruses
During a recent study, researchers at the Yale University School of Medicine discovered that people with high levels of vitamin D got sick about half as often as people with low levels. And when they did fall ill, they recovered in fewer days. The reason: Vitamin D instructs your white blood cells to manufacture a protein that kills infections.
Less cancer
Specifically, a 30 to 50 percent lower chance of breast cancer, and a 50 percent lower chance of colon cancer. D regulates some of the genes responsible for cellular growth and survival, says Holick, and it does its job cleverly: “It helps shut down any out-of-control growth to prevent malignancy. If that doesn’t work, it will help kill the cell. And if a tumor grows anyway, it will work to cut off blood supply.”
Higher cancer survival rate
At the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, researchers found that colon cancer patients with high levels of D had a 39 percent lower chance of dying from the disease. And this might actually apply to all cancers, says Edward Giovannucci, MD, ScD, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health.
Reduced risk of Parkinson’s
Researchers believe the correlation, which Archives of Neurology reported in July, may have to do with D’s protective effect on the brain: It regulates calcium levels, enhances the conduction of electricity through neurons, and detoxifies cells, among other handy functions.
Low levels are linked to…
Heart disease
People with insufficient D levels have an 80 percent greater risk of narrowing of the arteries, according to a long-term study at Johns Hopkins. This might have to do with D’s role in regulating more than 200 genes and controlling inflammation, and its possible involvement in modulating blood pressure.
Since D stimulates insulin production, it’s no surprise that too little is associated with diabetes. Research has also shown that kids who are deficient in D have a 200 percent greater chance of developing type 1.
Chronic pain
A 2008 study showed that more than 25 percent of chronic pain patients have low D levels, which could be because D helps control neuromuscular function. And a 2010 study correlated low levels of the vitamin with migraines and headaches. A dearth of D may prevent blood vessels from constricting and dilating properly, which can lead to throbbing pain.
D may help stimulate serotonin production, which could explain why people who don’t get enough are more susceptible to the blues.
Higher risk of death
After analyzing D levels of more than 13,000 people, researchers at Johns Hopkins found that those with the lowest levels had a 26 percent greater chance of dying—from any cause.
Continue Reading:
5 things that increase your risk of vitamin D deficiency
Make sure you are getting enough vitamin D – recommended dosages