Healing Foods and What They Replace

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Healing Foods and What They Replace

Most people agree that how you eat can definitely affect how you feel. Food can be your friend or food can be your foe.  When you eat a healthy variety of organic fruits and vegetables, grass-fed meats and dairy, sprouted or sourdough grains and healthy fats combined with lots of fresh, clean water you feel energized and full of life!

Consuming healthy, healing foods can actually detoxify and rid your body of many ailments.  On the contrary, when your diet consists mainly of processed and high sugar foods along with fast food, soda pop and supercharged drinks, you feel bloated, lethargic and often times downright sick.  Over time, this unhealthy way of eating can be very damaging to your health.

If you tend to eat on the run with little thought to what goes into your body and the bodies of your kids, start with just a few changes by mixing in these healing foods as much as possible.  As you start to feel better, you will want t

Try these healing foods (instead of…)

Raspberries, Blackberries, Strawberries and Blueberries (organic is best) – [replace jello and fruit snacks]

Berries are great sources of anthocyanins (bioflavinoids) which boosts insulin production and helps lower blood sugar levels. Other excellent sources include grapes, cherries, eggplant, red cabbage and green tea.

Sourdough Bread, Sprouted Whole Grains and Beans  [replace processes whole wheat and white breads and baked beans]

Increasing your fiber intake not only improves regularity but it helps detoxify your body, reduces cholesterol and boosts your immune system and reduce the risk of breast cancer in women.  Shoot for over 30 grams/day.

Olive Oil (or coconut/sesame/peanut/flax) – [replace canola and other vegetable oils]

Olive oil is particularly high in antioxidants and have been shown to improve heart health by raising HDL and lower LDL Cholesterol.

Grass Fed Meat and Dairy [replace commercially raised beef, chicken and dairy]

Animals raised on pasture vs corn and grain have much less total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories. They also have a plethora of healthy fats, including omega-3 fatty acids and CLA, and more beta-carotene, vitamin C and E.  Animals unnaturally raised on corn and grain and commonly injected with hormones and fed growth-promoting additives definitely compromise your health.

Wild caught, cold water fish  [replace farm-raised “feedlot” fish]

Wild fish from cold, clean waters that live on marine and plant life are packed with vitamins, minerals, protein and omega-3 fatty acids.  In contrast, “feed lot” fish swim in concrete tanks and feast on man made pellets that they were not designed to eat.

Red, Yellow, Orange and Dk Green Fruits and Veggies  (Organic is best) – [replace fruit chips and dehydrated fruit with added sugar]

These colorful healing foods contain carotenoids which is what give them their bright  pigments. Carotenoids can help prevent vitamin A deficiency, protect body from free radical damage and macular degeneration, enhance immune system.  They have also gotten a lot of attention as potential anti-cancer and anti-aging compounds.

Dark Chocolate (the darker the better) – [replace milk or white chocolate]

Like green tea and berries, Dark Chocolate is full of natural antioxidants which  as mentioned before,  help prevent cardiovascular disease, premature aging and cancer.  Another benefit…because it has a low glycemic index, dark chocolate does not send your blood sugar spiking.

Although there are hundreds of naturally healing foods to choose from, these provide a very good and simple starting point. The more you healthy choices you make, the better you will feel and the easier it will become.

Here’s to eating your way to better health!

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Lisa Maghrak

PS Are you a health nut?  Make money doing what you love and help others live healthier too!  I can show you how!  Click here to start profiting from your passion!

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Toxic Chemicals and Your Health

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Toxic Chemicals and Your Health

It is alarming but true.

Many doctors, scientists and researchers have found a definite connection between our health and the toxic chemicals in our everyday household products.

If you’re the typical family, you probably use dozens of products every day from hair care, body care, toothpaste, deodorant, skin care and cosmetics, cleaning products and snack and food products.  What you probably don’t realize is that many of them contain toxic chemical ingredients that are contributing to our nation’s health epidemics.

As a matter of fact, according to the U.S. EPA, only a fraction of the 75,000+ registered chemicals have gone through complete testing for humans’ safety.

Can you believe that??

Some of these toxic chemicals have immediate effects; however, most have the more common long-term, low dose exposure risks.

Most people are totally unaware of the many toxic chemicals that are lurking in their every day consumable products.  These chemicals are not only in our cleaning and personal care products but they are in our diets as well!

We only have control over so many things & our own home is one of them.

We can choose to buy and use safer products that are free of toxic chemicals.  These choices not only make our homes safer, but they will likely make you and your family healthier as well.

Consumer’s need to be educated so they can choose safer alternatives.

I do live educational webinars each week explaining 5 specific products you should absolutely avoid if you want to begin eliminating common toxic chemicals from your home.  Begin boosting your immune system, recharging your metabolism and increasing your energy today!  Reserve a spot on my next toxic chemical awareness webinar.

Request toxic chemical webinar details here.

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To Your Health,

Lisa Maghrak

PS Are you a health nut?  Make money doing what you love and help others live healthier too!  I can show you how!  Click here to start profiting from your passion!

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Your Attitude is a Choice

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Your Attitude is a Choice

No matter how you look at it, your attitude is a choice and is an important key in determining whether you succeed or fail in just about every endeavor you attempt in life.

You’ve probably heard that “it’s not what happens but how you choose to respond to what happens” that matters.  Although it’s not always what we want to hear, our attitude is a choice and we really do choose our happiness (or unhappiness).

We’ve all met people who seem to have it all but are miserable people to be around…complaining to anyone who will listen.  On the other hand, we also know people that really have it bad and we may wonder how they keep going, yet they have a pleasant and positive outlook.

Why is that and how can people be so different?

It’s a matter of choice.

Every day, we have thousands of choices to make.  Many we make unconsciously…without even thinking.  That is called reaction mode.  We react a certain way because it has become a habit or is “who we are”.  Some choices we make consciously…either in a split second or maybe taking our time to make a decision.

Either way, we are making a choice.

As our thoughts come to us, we make the decision to entertain them and give them power by focusing on them or to dismiss them or “cancel” them.  The thoughts we choose to focus on become stronger and the thoughts we choose to cancel (and ideally replace with a desired alternative thought) become weaker.

The thoughts we focus on become our words, our words become our actions and our actions create our life experiences.

The place we are today is the result of our past thoughts, words and actions.  If we want to change our situation, we need to start by changing what thoughts we give our energy to.

It’s not easy at first, but just like exercising a muscle or trying a new skill…the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Have you ever made a decision to change your attitude?  Leave a comment below and share what happened.

To choosing happiness,





Lisa Maghrak

P.S. Are you a health nut?  Make money doing what you love and help others live healthier too!  I can show you how!  Click here to start profiting from your passion!

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Can You Prevent Alzheimer’s?

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Can You Prevent Alzheimer’s??

Recent study shows brain shrinkage is key in predicting Alzheimer’s.

Does the size of your brain matter?

Apparently, it does!

Our brains are crucial to our very being!  Not only does our brain allow us to think and reason, but it controls everything we do every second of every day.  It permits us to move and be active as well as regulates our involuntary movements such as our breathing and heartbeat.  Our brain processes our thoughts and emotions and makes us who we are.  So, when someone starts to lose their ability to concentrate or remember things, it is a very scary thing that affects not only the person but everyone around them as well.

Fortunately, there are proven things we can do to keep our brains healthy and prevent age related brain deterioration!

How the brain develops

Our brains begin to develop long before birth and continue to develop rapidly during the first 3 years of life.   They continue to grow until the age of about 20 when they reach their maximum size and weight.  Although the brain only makes up roughly 2% of our body weight, it requires 20% of the oxygen we breath and 20% of the energy we consume!  Unless proactive measures are taken, our brains begin to deteriorate significantly in our mid 40s.  Over time, this brain shrinkage can begin to affect a person’s memory, concentration and personality.

Can brain shrinkage help predict Alzheimer’s risk?

Researchers believe that Alzheimer’s disease is linked to brain shrinkage and can now be predicted up to 10 years before symptoms appear!   This is great news because it gives someone time to be proactive in delaying or even preventing the onset of this dreaded disease.  It is now believed that the benefits of Omega -3 fatty acids are crucial in improving and maintaining brain health.  “Recent studies point to Omega-3 supplementation as a way to halt or prevent this brain shrinkage!”

How much Omega-3 do you need to prevent Alzheimer’s ? 

The World Health Organization and other governmental agencies suggest the following guidelines:

Healthy Adults:  1,000 mg daily

Adults w/cardiovascular disease symptoms: 2,000 mg daily

Adults w/symptoms of Alzheimer’s: 2,000 mg daily

Prenatal/nursing mothers:  1,400 mg daily

Our bodies do not produce Omega-3 fatty acids so we need to get them from our diet.  Unfortunately, even the most enthusiastic fish lover may find it difficult to get the 4-7 servings of cod, four servings of shrimp or 1-2 servings of salmon needed to get just 1,000 mg of fish oil every day.  And then there’s the concern of possible contaminants like mercury and chemical toxins.  For these reasons, fish oil supplements are a very appealing and effective alternative.

Choosing the best fish oil supplement

With all of the recent discoveries, there are many manufacturers jumping on the Omega-3 band wagon.  It’s important to get the highest quality fish oil available, so here are some tips to finding the safest and most effective supplement:

1)      Look for fish oil from wild-caught fish that come from deep, cold waters.  Great sources include herring, sardines, mackerel, anchovies and salmon.

2)      Look for a supplement with a 2:1 ratio of DHA to EPA.  Quality and proper balance are both important.

3)      Choose a supplement that has been molecularly distilled with water micro distillation and without chemicals or excess temperatures

It is so exciting to know that we can take very specific actions today that make such a positive impact on our health in the future!





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To Your Health,

Lisa Maghrak

PS Are you a health nut?  Make money doing what you love and help others live healthier too!  I can show you how!  Click here to start profiting from your passion!

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MYTH: Diet soda is harmless


I am constantly amazed at the resistance I receive when I tell people who are trying to lose weight that they would actually be better off if they drank real pop instead of diet pop.  I know it doesn’t appeal to common sense but here’s the reason~  When we eat or drink real sugar, our body registers it and it affects our blood sugar levels.  When we have too much, our bodies tell us one way or another. 

On the other hand, when we eat or drink artificial sweeteners, we enjoy the sweetness but our blood sugar is not affected.  This screws up our body’s natural ability to register how much sugar we are eating and we end up being able to eat more…and do. 

 “The obesity-research community is becoming increasingly aware that the artificial sweeteners used in diet soda—aspartame and sucralose, for instance—lead to hard-to-control food urges later in the day. One Purdue study discovered that rats took in more calories if they’d been fed artificial sweeteners prior to mealtime, and a University of Texas study found that people who consume just three diet sodas per week were more than 40 percent more likely to be obese. Try weaning yourself off by switching to carbonated water and flavoring with lemon, cucumber, and fresh herbs.”  –  excerpt from Men’s Health – Eat This, Not That

Ready to give up the artificial sweetners?  You will likely be healthier and thinner if you do….

Quote of the Day

“Our potential is God’s gift to us. What we do with it is our gift back to Him.”  ~Leo Buscaglia

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