Feeling Blue? Maybe it’s your diet!

foods that boost your moodSo much of the food we eat today contributes to our overall health!  That includes our mental health and not only how we feel about our life but how much energy we have…or don’t have!  Check out this article from Eat This, Not That and start eating the foods they recommend!  Your mood and your body will thank you!

 11 Instant Mood Boosting Foods

Another way to increase your mood and have way more energy is to give your body quality nutrients on a regular basis!  Even if you eat well, there’s no guarantee you are getting everything you need. 

To learn about the best way to ensure your body is getting the nutrition it needs, contact me here for info on the supplements I give my own family.

America’s 10 Dirtiest Foods

Ok, as gross as this may be and as much as you may rather ignore this type of information, it’s really important to be aware of the dangers of some of the common foods we’re eating (and feeding our children) on a regular basis.  The good news is that there are precautions we can take to significantly reduce the risk of serious illness.  Here is a list of The 10 Dirtiest Foods in America according to Eat This, Not That and Men’s Health Magazine.  Click on this link to read the full details and recommendations.

  1. Chicken
  2. Ground Beef
  3. Ground Turkey
  4. Raw Oysters
  5. Eggs
  6. Cantaloupe
  7. Peaches
  8. Prepackaged Lettuce
  9. Cold Cuts
  10. Scallions

Read more: http://www.menshealth.com/mhlists/foodborne_illness/


Omega-3 fatty acids for Heart, Kidneys and Pregnancy

Omega-3 fatty acids are of paramount importance to our health!  From Heart Disease and Stroke, to Kidney Failure and even Preterm Delivery, it seems every day new research is coming out proving more and more benefits of these essential oils!  This article from PRNewswire-USNewswire goes into more detail on why you may want to include more Omega 3s in your daily routine!  Read it here.


5 Foods That Can Trigger a Stroke

You may have seen this recent article By Melanie Haiken, caring.com. If not, it’s worth the read!

Few things feel more terrifying and random than a stroke, which can strike without warning. And fear of stroke — when a blood vessel in or leading to the brain bursts or is blocked by a blood clot, starving brain cells of oxygen and nutrients — is well founded. After all, stroke is the number-three killer in the U.S., affecting more than 700,000 people each year. Here are five foods that cause the damage that leads to stroke.

1.  Crackers, chips, and store-bought pastries and baked goods
2.  Smoked and processed meats
3.  Diet soda
4.  Red meat
5.  Canned soup and prepared foods

To read the entire article and/or get more details on each food, click here.

***side note from LisaMaghrak.com: “Another reason to try and eat more “real” food and less processed, “man-made” food….Also, although commercial red meat is unhealthy for many reasons, there’s a lot of research and documentation on the benefits of “grass-fed” meat.”***

5 Simple and Easy Weight Loss Tips Anyone Can Do

Do you ever find yourself frustrated because you try and try but the scale just won’t budge?  Well, here are 5 simple weight loss tips to break that plateau once and for all!






      1. Cut out all artificial sweeteners immediately!  Contrary to what most people think, artificial sweeteners actually sabotage your weight loss efforts!  They turn off your body’s ability to regulate the amount of sugar you eat because you lose the natural ability to determine when enough is enough!
      2. Drink more plain water.  Most people don’t get enough water each day.  Being dehydrated, even mildly, can be confused with being hungry and cause you to eat when you are really just thirsty.  A good goal is to get 1 ounce of water each day for every 2 pounds of body weight.  (i.e. 150 lbs = 75 oz/day)
      3. Eat more fiber.  Most Americans get less than 1/2 of the recommended 20-35 grams of fiber each day.  Fiber not only helps remove toxins and excess waste from your body so you can absorb more nutrients (making you more satisfied and less likely to experience cravings) but it also makes you feel fuller longer!  Go for the best forms of fiber from Fruits, Vegetables and minimally processed Whole Grains.
      4. Treat yourself to some delicious dark chocolate every day!   According to an internationally recognized expert in the field of alternative medicine focusing on diet and nutrition, Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby, a small bar of dark chocolate can contain as many flavanoids as six apples, as four and a half cups of tea or two glasses of red wine.  Dark chocolate also can be an effective appetite suppressant and aid in weight loss.  (the darker the chocolate, the better…without added sugar!)
      5. Become aware of what and when you eat.  Unconscious eating can easily add on 200-500 or more unwanted calories to your day.  By just being conscious and actively making the choice to eat…or not, you can make huge strides in your weight loss over time.  For example, if you made a point to be aware of your eating and to stick to serving sizes instead of eating mindlessly, and you cut out just 300 calories/day…in one month you would lose over 2-1/2 pounds with minimal efforts!  That’s over 30 lbs a year gone instead of gained!

America has become the land of instant gratification.  If you release the unrealistic expectations, love yourself and be patient and forgiving when you make mistakes, you will be surprised at how much easier it is to make healthier choices and let go of the excess weight once and for all.

How safe is our water to drink?

We supposedly have the safest drinking water in the world so when you read reports that there are pesticides, antibiotics, toxins and now ROCKET FUEL in some people’s tap water…you begin to question it!  All I can say is I’m glad we choose to filter our water…

For the latest on the safety of tap water and whether you should switch to bottled or filtered yourself,  read this article from the Aug, ’11 edition of Reader’s Digest.

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