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i need vit dWho’s not concerned about Heart Disease??  After all, it’s the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S. today.

According to a recent article posted on the Vitamin D Council’s website, a study on Vitamin D deficiency found that “the deficiency also nearly doubled a person’s likelihood of dying, but correcting the deficiency with supplements lowered their risk of death by 60 percent.”  That’s quite amazing!  Click to read the entire article.

Vitamin D Council recommended amounts:

Based on the body’s indicated daily vitamin D usage, Vitamin D Council recommends the following amounts of supplemental vitamin D3 per day in the absence of proper sun exposure. Due to the variable response discussed above, these are only estimated amounts.

  • Healthy children under the age of 1 years – 1,000 IU.
  • Healthy children over the age of 1 years – 1,000 IU per every 25 lbs of body weight.
  • Healthy adults and adolescents – at least 5,000 IU.
  • Pregnant and lactating mothers – at least 6,000 IU.

Additionally, children and adults with chronic health conditions such as autism, MS, cancer, heart disease, or obesity  may need as much as double these amounts.

Tolerable Upper Intake Level

The US Government’s Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for vitamin D is set at 4,000 IU per day. While this is a step in the right direction from the previous UL at 2,000 IU per day, in some situations – such as with those who are obese – it may still be too low. An upper limit this low will also result in the prevention of adequate doses from being used in studies, greatly curtailing our understanding of vitamin D’s physiological effects as well as the true extent of its treatment potential. 5 6 7

 Experts agree the Upper Limit for vitamin D should be raised to 10,000 IU per day.

Current expert consensus is that the US Government UL for vitamin D is too low and that it should be raised to 10,000 IU per day. 6 7 8 Since this is the amount one would naturally produce in their skin from sun exposure, it is considered safe. 9

To Learn More, Visit http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/

I buy my Vitamin-D3 here

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To Your Health,

Lisa Maghrak

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